Test for an emergency

Fire department “test gallop” with a horse dummy

10.02.2024 16:02

A newly purchased rescue system was put through its paces by the fire department in a stable. An emergency was simulated with a lifelike horse dummy.

It looks like a large toy horse. But this life-size specimen was not used for entertainment in a riding stable in Laxenburg in the district of Mödling. Quite the opposite. The fire department used it to test an emergency together with the Kottingbrunn veterinary clinic. And in a double sense.

A horse stable offers little space ...
On the one hand, the Florianis had been called to a riding stable twice in recent months. Both times, a horse was unable to get up on its own. However, due to the lack of space, the emergency services were unable to use the loading crane or forklift truck to help the animal.

Horses, pits, crashed cars
For these reasons, the decision was made to purchase a rescue and support system in collaboration with a riding stable operator at the end of the previous year. The horse dummy was used for training so that it could also be tested outside of an emergency.

With this modular construction made of shaped aluminium tubes, not only can large animals be lifted thanks to various attachments, but accident victims can also be rescued from pits or trenches or vehicles involved in accidents can be stabilized in special emergency situations. It can also be used to secure building components.

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