Chamber of Labor rejoices

Tiwag waives appeal against electricity judgment

03.02.2024 13:20

After more than a year of negotiations, four lawsuits and the latest (not legally binding) ruling, the Tyrolean regional energy supplier Tiwag has apparently given in in the electricity price dispute with the Chamber of Labor. "The last round of negotiations took place relatively quickly on Friday and the demands have been met in full," said the Chamber of Labor jubilantly. What does this mean for Tiwag customers?

"The AK Tirol's commitment was obviously completely underestimated and it was believed that we could be circumvented," emphasized AK President Erwin Zangerl in an initial statement. This would bring a long and intensive legal dispute to a positive end for customers.

"Electricity cost relief" of more than 60 million euros
According to the AK, Tiwag customers will soon receive "electricity cost relief" amounting to more than 60 million euros, as the regional energy supplier will repay "the money collected due to price increases that do not comply with the law".

The electricity cost relief will be based on the favorable labor prices from June 1, 2021. "This applies both to customers remaining in the old contracts and to customers switching to the new contract, as well as to special tariffs such as the Völser Seesiedlung. For IKB customers, AK Tirol is demanding that IKB agree to the settlement in writing, otherwise further legal action will be taken," says the Chamber of Labor.

Labor price drops from July
According to the AK, there will be a reduction in the energy price for all Tiwag customers to 11.8 cents net per kWh from July 1 (also applies to the basic supply tariff). But that is apparently not enough: "Tiwag has issued a declaration of intent to reduce the energy price for all Tiwag customers to less than 10 cents net per kWh from January 1, 2025," the AK continues.

Processing and repayments would be carried out by the regional energy supplier, starting in March 2024.

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