New Year's Eve stupidity

“Firecracker gang” blew up a high stand

02.02.2024 07:07

Seven boys illegally obtained dangerous pyrotechnics in the Czech Republic and then blew up a high stand in Lower Austria on New Year's Eve. The police also found shell casings at the scene!

Seven young people in Gansbach in the Dunkelstein Forest started the New Year with little thought: the boys (16 to 19 years old) from the districts of St. Pölten and Melk had blown up a high stand in the dense forest. "Debris from the wooden construction was scattered within a radius of 50 meters," reported the police.

Shooting around with a pistol
The young ruffians were obviously luckier than good, as they were standing much closer to the explosion, but miraculously remained unharmed. They then shot around with a blank-firing pistol in the immediate vicinity of other people. As a result, four of the boys were banned from using weapons.

This alarm gun was confiscated. (Bild: LPD NÖ)
This alarm gun was confiscated.

The police were put on the trail of the suspects by a witness who discovered the damage and shell casings on the morning of January 1st. The banned F4 class firecrackers had previously been bought by three young people in the Czech Republic and smuggled illegally across the border into Lower Austria. Although the suspects have since made up for the damage caused to the firecracker stand, this has not prevented the seven hooligans from being reported to the public prosecutor's office.

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