Valid for 14 months

From today, only the new vignette is valid

01.02.2024 16:26

From February 1, only the digital vignette or the sun-yellow adhesive vignette will be valid for the year 2024.

The vignette has been valid since December 1. It is available for 96.40 euros at the usual points of sale, i.e. at Asfinag, motorists' clubs, petrol stations, tobacconists, Forstinger and A.T.U.

While the price of the vignette for cars remains the same this year, it will be slightly more expensive for motorcyclists. They will pay 38.50 instead of 38.20 euros.

As always, the annual vignette is valid for 14 months, starting on December 1, 2023 and ending on January 31, 2025. All motor vehicles up to 3.5 tons are subject to the vignette.

The prices for the 2024 vignette at a glance:

  • Annual vignette: 96.40 euros for cars and 38.50 euros for motorcycles
  • Two-month vignette: 28.90 euros for cars and 11.50 euros for motorcycles
  • Ten-day vignette: 11.50 euros for cars and 4.60 euros for motorcycles
  • 1-day vignette: 8.60 euros for cars and 3.40 euros for motorcycles

How to stick it on correctly
The adhesive vignette must be affixed to the left-hand edge of the windshield or behind the rear-view mirror (not on the tint strip) so that it is clearly visible. Old vignettes should be removed as soon as they expire to ensure good all-round visibility.

The lower section of the vignette should be kept, as the carrier foil with the serial number serves as proof of purchase. It is required for the possible issue of a replacement vignette, for example if the annual vignette has been incorrectly affixed and accidentally invalidated. An application for a replacement vignette can then be made.

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