Culinary wine trip

Win a break with the best from the kitchen & cellar

25.05.2024 05:00

On June 22, the largest wine-growing community in Styria is once again inviting visitors to the traditional wine culinary event in Leutschach - we are giving away a total of ten tickets!

No fewer than 31 wineries and seven restaurants in Styria's largest wine-growing community will be showcasing all that Leutschach has to offer on the wine route on Saturday, June 22 from 2.30 pm. The best from the kitchen and cellar is the order of the day.

Cheers! The finest wines await you at the Wine Culinary. (Bild: Malena Brenek)
Cheers! The finest wines await you at the Wine Culinary.

This time at, around and in the Kollerhof Lieleg am Eichberg with a wonderful panoramic view over the wine country and a fantastic selection of wines, sparkling wines, fine brandies, regional beer and incomparable culinary delights.

Immerse yourself in the Weinkulinarium as a guest
The joint spirit of the businesses, the market town and the tourism association makes this possible. In future, the big festival will always take place at a new location in order to give guests an authentic insight into the in-depth processes of winemaking and culinary delights. Each winery has its own special features that guests can immerse themselves in at the Leutschach Wine Culinary Festival. The Kollerhof is a shining example.

Cheese world champion Franz Möstl with his Sauvignon cheese (and other specialties) will also be there. As will Sauvignon Blanc world champion Florian Lieleg. Special organic wines complete the large selection. All in all, there will be around 300 wines.

Leutschach will once again show what it can do on June 22. (Bild: Robert Sommerauer)
Leutschach will once again show what it can do on June 22.

Tickets costing 49 euros are available from the municipal office or by calling 03454/7060 242 or Or you can try your luck in our competition.

With the "Krone" to Leutschach
We are giving away 5 x 2 tickets to attend the wine tasting. Simply fill in the form below to take part. The closing date for entries is June 2, 11:59 pm.

The competition is over, thank you for your participation!

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read the original article here.

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