Villa looted?

“It couldn’t be worse!” Tennis beauty scandal

23.05.2024 18:56

The mystery surrounding the Italian tennis player Camila Giorgi has been extended by another chapter. Her alleged landlord has now spoken out and complained that the tennis beauty left his villa in a disastrous state. Speculation is currently rife in Italy.

The former landlord of Camila and her father Sergio Giorgi has spoken out to the newspaper "La Repubblica". "It was a shock. When I arrived, no one was there and the house was half empty," reports the man, who was informed by neighbors about the family's hasty departure.

Furniture and carpets had been left behind and exposed to the elements. "We thought we were safe because we rented the house to a well-known person, a sportswoman of international stature. But it couldn't have gone any worse," says the landlord in shock. He has not pressed charges. However, the Giorgi family still owes him six months' rent. In addition, damage of around 50,000 to 100,000 euros had been caused.

A cryptic message
Meanwhile, rumors continue to circulate about the 32-year-old. There is talk of problems with the tax office and a positive doping test. Giorgi is allegedly in the United States with her family after fleeing Italy.

The former number 26 in the world tennis rankings recently made a statement on Instagram and confirmed her retirement from professional tennis. She also hinted somewhat cryptically: "Please trust my Instagram channel. Because so far only fake reports are circulating." Since then, she has been sharing stories more regularly again, but without any further news about her exact whereabouts or comment on the rumors circulating.

Public prosecutor's office investigating
While there has hardly been any sporting success to celebrate recently anyway, Giorgi already has over 720,000 followers on Instagram. She recently used this reach to present her own fashion brand "Giomila". She can also be seen very revealingly there.

Meanwhile, the public prosecutor's office in Vicenza is investigating whether Giorgi traveled to the Australian Open in 2022 with a fake vaccination certificate. The 32-year-old denies the allegations and her family doctor has apparently been arrested. A court hearing is scheduled for July 16.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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