European Championship timetable set

Rangnick: “Like driving at right angles on the highway”

23.05.2024 07:33

The tanks are to be filled before the start of the EURO, and in order to prevent a crash, "integrative training" is on the program for a trio. A real dress rehearsal is not possible for Austria's national soccer team ...

"We have to keep in mind that - when it counts at the EURO - the tanks are full so that we have enough energy on the pitch." That will be difficult enough for Austria's team boss Rangnick. The timetable is set. Eight tactical training sessions are possible. Four in Windischgarsten before the Serbia test on June 4. And then in Berlin until the start of the EURO. Not much ...

But fitness is a priority. Especially in central defense: Lienhart and Wöber will already be working with the ÖFB medical staff in Vienna over the next few days. "Integrative training," Rangnick compares the necessary measure to road traffic: "They are fit to drive, but it would be like trying to turn onto a highway at a right angle where there is no speed limit."

This crash must be prevented with the three problem children:

  • Lienhart only played 28 minutes in 2024 in March. He was also unable to train with the team in Freiburg. "But the knee isn't showing any reaction," said Rangnick hopefully, knocking on wood.
Philipp Lienhart is training with the ÖFB medical department. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Philipp Lienhart is training with the ÖFB medical department.
  • Wöber (torn muscle fiber) and Danso's injuries have healed completely, they are "further along" than Lienhart. But even the Lens legionnaire will be putting in extra shifts with a personal trainer in Marbella until May 29, the real start of preparations ...
Wöber's injury has healed. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Wöber's injury has healed.
  • It is also clear that Sabitzer will not be an issue in the Vienna test against Serbia (only 25,000 tickets have been sold) three days after the Champions League final. "If they win, they'll still be celebrating," said Rangnick, adding that he doesn't expect to see the Dortmund international before June 3.

There will be no real dress rehearsal against either Serbia or Switzerland (June 8). "I don't tend to play with the same team," said Rangnick. The main thing is that the tanks are full on June 17. For the EURO kick-off against France!

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read the original article here.

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