New world record

Mountain guide climbs Mount Everest for the 30th time

22.05.2024 17:57

The Nepalese mountain guide Kami Rita Sherpa has already led dozens of people up Mount Everest (see video above). He has now set a new world record - on Wednesday he stood on the 8849-metre-high summit for the 30th time.

The 54-year-old is modest: "I've never been interested in records. I simply feed my family that way." For him, mountaineering is simply a job. Kami Rita Sherpa lives in the Himalayas and, like many, comes from a family of mountain guides. He stood on Mount Everest for the first time at the age of 24. "There were few expeditions and we Sherpas had to prove ourselves with hard work in order to be hired as a mountain guide," recalls the Nepalese.

Kami Rita Sherpa (Bild: AFP/Prakash Mathema)
Kami Rita Sherpa

Back then, only experienced mountaineers were out on bumpy paths with a few Sherpas. Today, however, extreme sports are big business. More and more expedition companies are offering all-inclusive trips to Mount Everest that cost between 50,000 and 100,000 euros per person. "You can land directly at the base camp by helicopter and order any meal there that you would get in a five-star hotel in the capital Kathamandu," said Kami Rita Sherpa. The base camp offers comfortable accommodation, an internet connection and medical care.

Base camp on Mount Everest (Bild: APA/AFP/PRAKASH MATHEMA)
Base camp on Mount Everest
At night (Bild: Lakpa SHERPA / AFP)
At night
Buddhist ritual before the ascent (Bild: PRAKASH MATHEMA / AFP)
Buddhist ritual before the ascent

Expedition lasts around 45 days
The expeditions take an average of 45 days including travel and acclimatization, which is half as long as when Kami Rita Sherpa began her work. With support, 300 to 400 foreigners make it to the highest mountain in the world every year. About the same number have died on Mount Everest so far, more than a third of them Sherpas.

Although their work is no longer as hard these days, many Sherpas are now looking for alternative jobs so as not to risk their lives. They are paid around 3,000 to more than 10,000 euros per season, depending on their experience. Kami Rita Sherpa himself wants to continue climbing Mount Everest for as long as his health allows. However, he advises his children to take up another job.

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