Many more tasks

How mayors manage the office and their lives

05.05.2024 14:00

More tasks and more expenditure, less income - the demands on mayors are increasing. Are local politicians up to the increased burden? The "Krone" asked around in the municipalities of Burgenland.

Those who take the citizens' task seriously are on duty from early in the morning until late at night, seven days a week. There are hardly any breaks. The office of mayor is like a full-time job. The varied tasks are an enormous challenge even for those who like to be in the thick of things.

Great responsibility
Road maintenance, childcare, climate protection projects and much more have to be managed. Preferably in a way that pleases most people. According to their own estimates, legal responsibility is increasing and residents' demands on local politicians are also growing. In short, the burden is increasing, as current studies show.

Money is getting tight
Many mayors are also having to tighten their belts. A tight financial situation and a lack of income are putting even more pressure on them this year than before. This is not only the mood in many offices, but also the result of scientific studies. According to the study, money worries will be the biggest headache for mayors in 2024.

The pressure is increasing
"Mayors have a huge responsibility," says Harald Kahr, head of Großpetersdorf, who can only confirm this. Political challenges, public criticism and the pressure to make decisions can be very stressful.

"Nothing is impossible"
Thomas Hoffmann, mayor of Schattendorf, faces up to the challenges with confidence. "Every mayor approaches their office differently, depending on the challenges in the municipality. I have decided to take a progressive path where nothing is impossible and everything is possible," he emphasizes.

Although this path is sometimes rocky and grueling, it is never hopeless. In order to master the ever-increasing demands, however, you have to be aware that you have to give up a lot in your private life, says Hoffmann.

Thomas Hoffmann, Mayor of Schattendorf, has confidently chosen his own path: "Anything is possible." (Bild: Reinhard Judt)
Thomas Hoffmann, Mayor of Schattendorf, has confidently chosen his own path: "Anything is possible."

With heart and soul
Fabio Halb from Mühlgraben is also approaching the matter with fresh courage. In October 2017, he took office as Austria's youngest mayor at the age of 20: "This role is very honorable, lively and intense. The work is an affair of the heart, which is a lot of fun despite all the hurdles." A résumé that all his fellow mayors would probably agree with.

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