Low-calorie vegetables

Easily slim down with fresh asparagus

04.05.2024 06:00

Now is the best time for weight-loss and health-conscious people to reach for this low-calorie vegetable. Fresh from Austria, asparagus not only tastes delicious, the short transportation routes also save CO₂. That's good for the environment and the climate.

100 grams of the white, green or purple spears contain just 17 calories, but a range of vitamins and minerals. Among other things, the high potassium content stimulates kidney function and has a dehydrating and deacidifying effect. In order not to "devalue" the vegetables, they should not be served with fatty sauces.

Reduce high blood pressure with potassium
"Asparagus is also an interesting culinary option for people with high blood pressure," emphasizes Dr. Marlies Gruber, "forum.ernährung heute". This is because those who eat potassium-rich foods can lower their blood pressure in a natural way. Whether green, white or purple, as a main course or side dish - asparagus is in season here until the end of June. Over 3000 tons of this vegetable are harvested in Austria every year. The Marchfeld is considered an important growing region.

The color of the asparagus depends on the cultivation and harvesting method. (Bild: Mihai - stock.adobe.com)
The color of the asparagus depends on the cultivation and harvesting method.

Different colors
The reasons for the difference in color are the cultivation and the harvesting method: White asparagus grows under mounds of soil. As soon as its head reaches the surface, it is cut. Green asparagus grows above ground and is harvested when it is 20-30 cm high. Under the influence of the sun, it produces the green leaf pigment chlorophyll and has a strong, spicy and nutty taste. Purple asparagus is a separate variety that gets its color from the plant pigment anthocyanin and has a more bitter taste. However, it is rarely cultivated in Austria.

Tips for the full flavor:

  • Purchased asparagus should be served quickly. If storage is unavoidable, it can be kept in the fridge for three to four days, wrapped in a damp cloth.
  • White and green asparagus are also suitable for freezing: After peeling, wrap the spears in aluminum foil or freezer bags and consume after six months at the latest. To defrost them, put them directly into boiling salted water while still frozen.
  • You can tell how fresh asparagus is by looking at the cut ends: These should be smooth, bright and as juicy as possible, not dried out or shriveled. Fresh asparagus also "squeaks" when rubbed together and breaks easily.
  • For preparation, the spears are peeled to remove woody fibers. White and purple asparagus from approx. two cm below the head. Towards the bottom, it should be peeled more and possibly shortened a little. Clean green asparagus from a hand's breadth below the head. Do not throw away the waste, you can make a delicious soup from it.
  • It is best to use an asparagus pot for cooking. The vegetables should be simmered upright. Depending on taste, lemon, sugar and butter are popular additions to the water, in which the asparagus should only be cooked until it is soft but still firm.
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