Better than its reputation

Cult company proves: vinegar simply goes with everything

12.04.2024 12:31

Sour, spicy, unpopular: vinegar had to contend with these clichés for many years. The traditional Styrian company Gölles, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, proves that vinegar can do much more than just acidify salads.

On April 11, the Gölles family celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Gölles apple balsamic vinegar together with numerous guests of honor at the renowned Steirereck restaurant in Vienna.

The Gölles family (Bild: Gölles Manufaktur)
The Gölles family

The focus was on tasting exquisite varieties and some 40-year-old reserves from the Gölles company. It quickly became clear from the very first vinegar sample: vinegar is anything but sour! The raspberry vinegar, for example, blended fruity notes with tangy components. The asparagus vinegar impressed with its intense asparagus aroma. And the so-called "lemon seasoning" provided a little Mediterranean flair with its summery, fruity aroma.

(Bild: Manufaktur Gölles)
(Bild: Manufaktur Gölles)
(Bild: Manufaktur Gölles)

The samples of apple balsamic vinegar proved just how sweet, warm and full-bodied vinegar can be. Visitors were able to taste some of the 40-year-old reserves and get an idea of the differences in taste compared to today's products. The apple balsamic vinegar is sweet and fruity on the palate in every respect, reminiscent of Powidl jam and honey pot. The "younger" the vinegar was, the creamier the consistency became. The 2014 balsamic vinegar could almost pass for jam. Wonderfully full-bodied, it goes perfectly with strawberries with whipped cream and vanilla ice cream, according to Gölles Junior Chef David.

Finally, there was a tasting of balsamic vinegar varieties from different barrels: Included were flavors from oak barrel, cherry wood and chestnut. These flavors clearly stood out during the tasting and impressed with strong, spicy notes that went well with hearty meats and cheeses.

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"If I were a vinegar, I would definitely be an apple balsamic vinegar, because it's about as old as I am: 40 years old. I'm a little older, but not by much."

Schauspieler Stefano Bernadin

Steirereck host Heinz Reitbauer showed how best to use the vinegars in the kitchen in the form of exclusive culinary highlights. The 5-course menu interpreted the vinegars almost perfectly and also provided one or two ideas to try out in your own kitchen.

All in all, it was a feast for the senses that focused on the diversity and quality of Styrian vinegar culture and art.

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