IS attack plans

Teenagers allegedly planned terrorist attack

12.04.2024 11:07

Four young people are currently in custody in Germany on suspicion of terrorism (see video above). They are accused of planning an Islamist-motivated terrorist attack. Security circles said that the young people had formed a chat group for this purpose.

First, a 16-year-old from Iserlohn (North Rhine-Westphalia) was arrested and her cell phone confiscated. The police came across the chats in which plans to attack churches, synagogues or police stations were mentioned. Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Cologne were mentioned as possible attack locations, and knives and Molotov cocktails were to be used. Plans to travel to the territory of the Islamic State militia were also discussed.

The police succeeded in arresting the suspects one by one. They are a 15-year-old from Düsseldorf, a 15-year-old from the district of Soest (all from North Rhine-Westphalia) and a 16-year-old from Esslingen (Baden-Württemberg). They are said to have agreed to murder and manslaughter in connection with the preparation of a serious act of violence endangering the state.

The detainees are only 15 and 16 years old (symbolic image). (Bild:
The detainees are only 15 and 16 years old (symbolic image).

Father allegedly collected donations for IS
The father of a 16-year-old girl was investigated a few years ago because he was alleged to have collected donations for IS and because a pistol had been found in his possession.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Interior Minister Herbert Reul praised the speedy investigation on Friday, as only five days had passed from the first discovery to the arrest. The young age of the suspects left him "speechless." It is a "huge challenge for society as a whole".

It was only in November that two 15 and 16-year-old teenagers were arrested on suspicion of terrorism and sympathizing with the Islamic State. They are accused of planning an attack on a Christmas market with a vehicle.

No combustibles were found during searches. The young people were remanded in custody in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg at the time.
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