The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little bot makes plant signs

06.04.2024 05:45

How I prepare the snack garden together with the children. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

The tomatoes have already moved into their own pots and are waiting for May to be allowed into the big bed. The most important decisions for the 2024 snack and vegetable garden have also been made.

The children have asked for peas, beans, mini cucumbers and strawberries, and I would like to have different varieties of lettuce again. I'm filling the raised bed with fresh, high-quality soil because it sank over the winter. I'm already sowing the first lettuce plants and radishes.

We design plant labels for the kids' plant wishes, which are then placed directly next to the seeds in the bed. That way they know straight away what is germinating where. We opted for clay plant labels, which are quick to make and look beautiful.

What you need:

  • 50 g white clay (air-dry)
  • Letter stamp,
  • Round wood for rolling out
  • Knife

This is how it works:
Knead the clay well, roll out to a thickness of around 0.5 cm and cut into 1 x 10 cm strips. Cut the strips to a point on one side. Stamp the vegetables with a letter stamp. Leave the labels to air dry for a few days and finish with clear varnish.

I think gardening with the children is extremely valuable and educational, it gives them a great approach to nature and they are grateful and happy when they can eat what they grow thanks to their care.

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