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What tourism experts from Tirol say about the “burp video”

28.03.2024 08:30

Reactions range from praise for unconventional advertising to calls for the head of Tirol Werbung to resign after a controversial video was made public.

Alexander von der Thannen, TVB Chairman Ischgl
"Mistakes happen, but they are piling up at Tirol Werbung. I am emotional here because the video is not good for Tirol's image. Personal consequences for those responsible are appropriate."

Ingrid Eberharter, manager of Zapfenhof in Zillertal
"It was definitely the perfect advertisement because everyone is talking about it. But no one is allowed to burp or fart in public, it's not socially acceptable. Tirol has so much more to offer."

Mario Tölderer, board member of Lienzer Bergbahnen AG
"Someone will have thought of something. Marketing is in the eye of the beholder. To put it bluntly: I don't know who I want to attract with this. But it has managed to generate attention, even if it is widely reported in Germany."

Christian Harisch, Chairman of the Kitzbühel TVB
"You have to leave room for creativity and allow mistakes, even if that was the wrong direction. There is enough mediocrity anyway and we have to get out into the world and air our brains, so to speak. There will certainly be no measurable damage from the video."

Signe Reisch, head of Rasmushof Kitzbühel
"Advertising agencies do not take on a life of their own, but work on the basis of an order and a specific brief from Tirol Werbung. Videos do not take on a life of their own, but have to be approved by Tirol Werbung. The only thing that has taken on a life of its own in this specific case is Tirol Werbung, without a clear strategy and even more so without any control!"

Franz Hörl, hotelier, cable car operator and national councillor from Gerlos
"TW boss Karin Seiler has apologized, that's the end of it for me and it's going down internationally. But you have to wonder what the creative people are thinking. I'm more worried about the Föhn storm at Easter, because then the lifts might be at a standstill and the mood in the ski resorts will be bad."

Andreas Haselsberger, head of Bergbahnen Scheffau, spokesperson for SkiWelt
"After a couple of seconds, I deleted the video because it's not my taste and hopefully we don't want to sell ourselves like that. But everyone who works makes mistakes. That's why we don't need resignations."

Frank Kostner, hotelier from Alpbach
"I wonder what is meant by an isolated test, especially at a time when we all know that content can be shared at lightning speed. How could a video that was already produced in 2022 and to which Tirol Werbung allegedly had no rights be used for such a test two years later, in 2024? This question needs urgent and transparent clarification, just like all previous missteps by Tirol Werbung since Karin Seiler took office."

Benjamin Kneisl, Chairman of the Association of Tyrolean Tourism Associations (VTT)
"The focus of Tyrolean brand communication should always be on those aspects that characterize Tyrol and Tyrolean tourism in a special way - be it the hospitality in our family-run businesses, high-quality leisure and vacation offers as well as the fantastic nature. Our region offers a multitude of exciting stories and facets that need to be told in an authentic way. In this respect, the VTT also supports the reappraisal of the incident announced by LR Mario Gerber."

The statements therefore show a very differentiated picture of how local tourism professionals view the "video affair". The last word does not yet seem to have been spoken.

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