2600 declarations needed

Small parties collect signatures for EU elections

26.03.2024 12:41

The collection of signatures for the EU elections began today, Tuesday. This is necessary for small parties that do not have access to MEPs. In Austria, these are the KPÖ, the VOLT Europe list and the EU exit alliance "For Austria Öxit."

They need to collect 2,600 signatures to be able to stand in the election in June. The pan-European party VOLT came to Parliament on Tuesday with a three-meter inflatable elephant. This is intended to symbolize the proverbial "elephant in the room" and say that national parties cannot solve the major European problems. That is why a common European approach to challenges such as the climate crisis, migration, digitalization and security is needed, said list leader Nini Tsiklauri at the campaign.

The Öxit exit alliance set up a small stand in front of the district office in Vienna-Meidling on Tuesday. The declared aim of the alliance, which consists of the Austrian Christian Party and other initiatives, is Austria's withdrawal from the European Union. This is to be achieved through a referendum.

Time until April 26
The small parties now have until April 26th to collect the necessary signatures to stand for election. Only eligible voters, i.e. Austrians aged 16 and over and EU citizens who have their main residence in Austria, can sign.

Voters will find the five National Council parties ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and NEOS on the ballot paper. The signatures of three members of the National Council or one EU representative are sufficient for them to stand as candidates.

Here you can see the dates and deadlines up to election day.

The deadline for eligible voters is April 15. After this date, corrections can still be requested if someone is registered incorrectly or not at all. EU citizens living in Austria can decide whether to vote for Austrian MPs or those from their country of origin.

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