Over 20 degrees possible

Snow will be followed by Sahara dust and foehn in Tyrol

25.03.2024 08:48

While you had to unpack your winter jacket again at the weekend in Tyrol, the weather is set to become friendlier and, above all, milder again during Holy Week. Only in the middle of the week could a cold front cause cloudy weather and cooler temperatures.

After the chilly weekend with snow, the sun will come out again on Monday - including higher temperatures! "On Tuesday, clouds will move through frequently and a southerly foehn will develop. Temperatures will continue to rise to 17 degrees," predicts meteorologist Peter Wölflingseder from the UBIMET weather service. For the first time, Saharan dust will be noticeable again, which will cloud the existing sunny windows.

Snow possible from around 1000 meters
Wednesday will bring the only bitter weather pill of Holy Week. Although the day is likely to start dry, rain or snow from around 1000 meters will arrive from the southwest as the day progresses. Of course, there's no need to worry about highs of up to 15 degrees.

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I'm expecting a foehn Friday, Saturday should be the warmest day of Holy Week from today's perspective.

Peter Wölflingseder vom Wetterdienst UBIMET

Good prospects for the Easter weekend
Temperatures will rise again from Thursday onwards. "I'm expecting a foehn Friday, Saturday should - from today's perspective - be the warmest day of Holy Week," says meteorologist Wölflingseder. The Inn Valley should see 20 degrees and possibly a little more. And the Easter bunny will visit us on Sunday in mild, friendly weather.

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