Supplier quake before the European Championship

Insane sum! That’s how much Nike is paying the DFB team

22.03.2024 05:31

According to the German newspaper "Handelsblatt", the US sporting goods manufacturer Nike is to pay more than 100 million euros per year for the new supplier contract with the German Football Association from 2027. This is said to have emerged from industry circles, as the newspaper reports.

This would mean that Nike would far exceed the current contract sum of the current outfitter Adidas. Long-standing partner Adidas, which will continue to equip all national teams until the end of 2026, is set to transfer around 50 million euros to the DFB each year.

The association announced the new deal on Thursday, but did not disclose the contract amount. It merely stated that Nike had made "by far the best economic offer".

Criticism from the Minister of Economic Affairs
The change of supplier had also provoked criticism from the German Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, among others. "I can hardly imagine the German jersey without the three stripes. Adidas and black, red and gold have always belonged together for me. A piece of German identity. I would have liked a bit more local patriotism," said Habeck.

Era comes to an end
The change of outfitter marks the end of a partnership between the DFB and Adidas that has lasted more than 70 years. Adidas was the supplier for all four World Cup titles and all three European Championship titles for the men, as well as the two World Cup titles and eight European Championship trophies for the women. The collaboration with Nike will initially run until 2034.

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