SPÖ motion in the state parliament

Another attempt for better childcare

20.03.2024 10:00

Following the skirmish over the "emergency ordinance" for Salzburg's childcare facilities, the SPÖ is now calling for improvements in the facilities. For example, it wants to provide more funding for additional staff in kindergartens.

Around the turn of the year, Salzburg's kindergartens caused a stir. Since 1 January, an "emergency decree" issued by Deputy Governor Marlene Svazek (FPÖ) has made it possible for additional staff to be employed as educational and group-leading specialists - as reported by the "Krone" newspaper. It is even possible for assistants to take charge in an emergency. This is intended as a solution to acute staff shortages.

"Promote and protect additional staff"
Criticism came from political competitors and also from the elementary teachers themselves: Additional staff would be wasted or helpers would be overburdened with too much responsibility. This is exactly where the SPÖ wants to start again. "Supplementary staff should finally be supported and protected," says Bettina Brandauer, Member of Parliament. This is why her SPÖ is once again making the staffing problem an issue in today's state parliament.

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Additional staff could become specialists with support and further training. They must be protected from burning out

Bettina Brandauer, SPÖ-Landtagsabgeordnete

Brandauer and his colleagues want to use an urgent motion to persuade the state government to take action. "With simplified, improved further training opportunities, helpers could become skilled workers," says Brandauer. She is also calling for better financial conditions, for example during internships. There should be more prevention and help against burn-out.

Aid organization wants better training and further education
It is not only kindergarten groups that are still threatened with closure, more and more childminders are throwing in the towel. They also play a significant role in early education, but are also only classified as additional staff. This is why the Salzburger Hilfswerk is also calling for simplified training and further education opportunities for this profession.

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