AK service tip

Know how: What to look out for when buying vouchers?

20.03.2024 05:59

Vouchers are an extremely popular gift. However, they often gather dust in a drawer and are then no longer valid - at least that's what many companies claim. However, limited validity before the statutory 30-year period is only possible in exceptional cases.

One of the most popular gift ideas are vouchers - whether for restaurants, activities, shopping or travel. According to companies, vouchers can often only be redeemed for a certain period of time. However, the legal situation is different: In principle, the right to redeem a voucher only expires after 30 years.

However, shorter periods are not permitted without good reason. The shorter the period, the more valid the reason must be. Otherwise, it must still be possible to redeem the voucher or the value of the voucher must be refunded.

Gray area of limited validity
However, the duration can be limited if this can be justified and the period is reasonable. However, there is no uniform legal regulation for this - the individual case is always examined here. For example, the Supreme Court ruled that a time limit of two years for spa vouchers was too short.

In principle, it is always advisable to redeem the voucher promptly, because if a company goes bankrupt, for example, it is usually very difficult to get anything back. If there are any uncertainties or questions, consumers are best advised to contact the Styrian Chamber of Labor.

"Gewusst wie" is a service series of the "Krone" and the Chamber of Labor.

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