After robbery

Four robbers in custody, three are Upper Austrians

18.03.2024 12:00

The robbery on March 12 in an apartment in Neumarkt am Wallersee (Salzburg) has been solved. The first suspect (29) was already in custody. His father, a policeman from Mondseeland, had made headlines when he clashed with the Cobra when his son was arrested. Two of the three robbers who have now also been caught are from Upper Austria.

Officers from the Salzburg State Office of Criminal Investigation solved a robbery on March 12 in an apartment in Neumarkt am Wallersee. By seizing and analyzing cell phones, interviewing witnesses and investigating the scene of the crime, the detectives were able to identify the three fugitive robbers.

Accomplices snitched on during interrogation
The 29-year-old Upper Austrian, who was already in custody, corroborated the officers' findings by confessing to the identity of the three fugitives. The public prosecutor's office in Salzburg ordered the arrest of the three fugitives on March 15 following court approval.

Balaclava and narcotics seized
In the night of March 16, the criminalists arrested two of the perpetrators at their home addresses with the support of the Cobra task force and the Salzburg riot unit. The officers seized a balaclava and narcotics in the apartments. The men were an 18-year-old from Seekirchen and a 17-year-old from Upper Austria. The fourth offender could not be found at his home address in Upper Austria. An internal police search for the fugitive was successful shortly afterwards.

Fourth suspect was tracked down in a hotel in Vöcklabruck
Police officers from Vöcklabruck tracked down the man in a hotel in Vöcklabruck. After leaving the hotel, the police arrested the man a short time later in his vehicle at a petrol station in Vöcklabruck. The man was a 28-year-old from Upper Austria. The 28-year-old had narcotics and a blank-firing pistol with him. All three detainees refused to make a statement and are being held in Salzburg prison

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