Photovoltaics and co.

Share of renewable energy reaches new peak

18.03.2024 15:00

The share of renewable energy in Styria is increasing. The new energy report from the province of Styria shows that almost 35% of gross final energy consumption came from sustainable sources in 2022. Provincial Councillor Ursula Lackner (SPÖ) announces 250 new wind turbines.

Hydropower, photovoltaics, wind power: politicians have set out to expand renewable energy production in order to achieve the climate targets. In Styria, the state documents progress in this area with the energy report. This is now available for the year 2022 - and contains some exciting facts.

First the positive news: At 34.6 percent, the share of renewable energy in consumption has reached a new peak. This is despite the fact that the energy generated in the country has fallen, which is mainly due to the weather and lower production from hydropower. This means that the target of 40% by 2030 is not far away and is even better than expected.

The increase in solar energy was particularly high with a plus of 25 percent, hydropower fell by five percent and there was hardly any change in wind power.

Saving measures paid off
The energy-saving measures, which were primarily motivated by the high prices for electricity and gas, also bore fruit in 2022: energy consumption fell by 6.7%, "which corresponds to the level of the pandemic year 2020", according to the report.

Incidentally, private households were able to save the most (14%), "which was due to significantly lower heating energy consumption and savings measures", while industry only reduced consumption by 2%. Agriculture saved eleven percent and the service sector added four percent.

250 wind turbines by 2030
Ursula Lackner (SPÖ), the provincial councillor responsible, sees the report as confirmation that she is on the right track: "The energy report shows how seriously Styria is taking the energy transition." Lackner wants to continue with the expansion: "We want to have 250 wind turbines in Styria by 2030 and massively expand solar power." That is a significant number, as the report states that there are 23 wind farms with 114 wind turbines in Styria, compared to 118 at the end of 2023.

In addition, there are the new legal requirements that all new buildings in Styria must have solar power plants on their roofs and the Renewable Energy Program, which regulates the expansion of PV. "We have thus created the necessary conditions for the energy transition in Styria."

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