Too few caregivers

Civil servants help out as “kindergarten uncles”

17.03.2024 09:00

Because there are too few caregivers, state councillors Astrid Mair and Cornelia Hagele are relying on "outside help". The "Krone" was on site in Kematen. The head teacher is delighted with the additional help.

There are currently 6300 teachers, assistants and childminders working in the so-called elementary sector (preschool and kindergarten) in Tyrol. Some facilities in Tyrol also employ community service workers. Like in Kematen: Two community service workers support the 50 or so educational specialists and assistants in their daily tasks at the kindergarten, crèche, after-school care center and forest kindergarten. Cornelia Hagele, State Councillor for Education, and Astrid Mair, State Councillor for Security, who is responsible for military and civilian service, visited the kindergarten in Kematen on Friday to get a first-hand impression.

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Whether in rescue services, social and disability care, care for the elderly or now also in elementary education - civilian service is a service to the community. Time and time again, boys are also enthusiastic about professional fields that they would not have got to know without community service.

(Bild: Johanna Birbaumer)

Sicherheitslandesrätin Astrid Mair

Numerous new facilities
As is well known, the expansion of elementary education in Tyrol is a central task in this term of government - keyword: the right to a child education and childcare place. "Since taking office, we have already created 14 new facilities, 42 additional groups and 1028 newly created childcare places," Hagele informed us. A key measure in the roadmap is to get more people interested in elementary education.

Civil servants help out at the kindergarten in Kematen. (Bild: Fettinger)
Civil servants help out at the kindergarten in Kematen.

Special occupational fields
"It is all the more gratifying that civilian volunteers are also dedicating themselves to this socially important task and making an essential contribution to child education and childcare," emphasizes LR Mair. He continues: "Whether in rescue services, social and disability assistance, care for the elderly or now also in elementary education - civilian service is a service to the community.

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The two community service volunteers take on a wide variety of tasks. Be it preparations, organizational work or, of course, the direct care of the children - they provide us with excellent support.

Annemarie Vollgruber, Leiterin des Kindergartens Kematen

Time and again, boys are enthusiastic about professional fields that they would not have been able to get to know without their community service. Often in professions that are ascribed to women in outdated role models. This makes it all the more important to break down such role models and introduce young men to the joys of a wide range of professions!"

LR Astrid Mair also lent a helping hand during the site inspection. (Bild: Fettinger)
LR Astrid Mair also lent a helping hand during the site inspection.

The head of the kindergarten in Kematen, Annemarie Vollgruber, is also full of praise for "her" civil servants: "The two civil servants take on a wide variety of tasks. Be it preparations, organizational tasks or, of course, direct care of the children - they provide us with excellent support. We are very happy to have them with us. The children are also very enthusiastic about them!"

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