Natural jewel Längsee

A lido to chill out, linger and enjoy

14.03.2024 17:10

Tear down, rebuild or renovate - that was the big question in the municipality of St. Georgen am Längsee for two years. The ageing lido is now being extensively revitalized.

For two years, the municipality of St. Georgen am Längsee planned and puzzled over the ageing lido. In the end, the cooperation of all parties led to an impressive result. The lido is set to shine in new splendor as early as the end of June, enhancing the region and, above all, attracting more bathers.

The buildings are being revitalized with wooden structures. (Bild: Kollitsch Architektur & Technik GmbH)
The buildings are being revitalized with wooden structures.
The new facades are designed to blend in with nature. (Bild: Kollitsch Architektur & Technik GmbH)
The new facades are designed to blend in with nature.

Everything should harmonize with nature
The access building and lake inn are being revitalized with wooden structures, and the outdoor areas are being transformed into chill, picnic and relaxation zones. The boathouse will be spruced up with a sauna overlooking the lake and the children's area - including around the slide - will be redesigned. "Everything should harmonize with nature and fit in with the natural jewel that is Lake Längsee," emphasizes Mayor Wolfgang Grilz and others.

The dog beach is to be created in the rear shore area. (Bild: Claudia Fischer)
The dog beach is to be created in the rear shore area.
The boathouse will have a sauna with a view of the lake. (Bild: Claudia Fischer)
The boathouse will have a sauna with a view of the lake.
Everything around the children's slide will also be redesigned. (Bild: Claudia Fischer)
Everything around the children's slide will also be redesigned.
The mayor and his fellow campaigners. (Bild: Claudia Fischer)
The mayor and his fellow campaigners.
The first excavation work has already begun. (Bild: Claudia Fischer)
The first excavation work has already begun.

The total costs amount to almost 1.7 million euros. The municipality has to provide 22 percent of the costs itself. The water rescue service and tourism association have each contributed 30,000 euros. There will also be a fitness trail, a new store, a separate first aid zone - where the rescue service can access immediately without any problems - and a closed dog bathing beach. Everything is expected to be ready by the end of June.

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