Found on cell phone

Order to Kremlin soldier: “Taste human flesh”

11.03.2024 19:13

Abominable instructions, allegedly from Russian commanders, have been discovered on a soldier's cell phone. Among other things, it calls for "tasting human flesh", brutal torture and gang rape, according to the Ukrainian military.

The cell phone fell into the hands of the Ukrainian defense forces after its owner was captured. The content found on it in chats is bestial. Russian soldiers were called upon to commit cannibalism and "gang rape local girls", as the British newspaper "Sun" reported.

This Telegram post reports on the gruesome discovery - the picture shows the captured soldier:

Ukrainian deputy commander Maxym Zhorin reported the gruesome find. Under screenshots of the chat in question, he wrote: "A Russian prisoner and his 'instructions' on his cell phone." Zhorin further notes: "The level of development of his human qualities is obvious. Russian soldiers are all like this - absolutely without principles and signs of civilization."

Soldier was told to take "souvenirs" home from houses
The soldier was also advised to take souvenirs from the war zone: "Collect trophies from the houses of the enemies you have killed. Take them home as good luck charms and souvenirs." He should also take part in executions. There were detailed instructions on how this should be done: "Ideally, you should drown them in a hole in the ice, stab them with a bayonet or burn down entire families and their houses."

After the invasion of Ukraine, Russian wartime atrocities were frequently reported - the massacre in the town of Butsha in particular is probably still remembered by many. Hundreds of civilians were slaughtered and sometimes tortured in the village in the north-west of Kiev - including numerous women and children. Some of the bodies were found with their hands tied after the Ukrainian army liberated them.

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