Fears for his skiing career

Kilde: Wheelchair gone – “but still needs help”

09.03.2024 15:34

A positive health update from Aleksander Aamodt Kilde: the Norwegian, who had a serious fall in Wengen in January, is no longer dependent on a wheelchair. "But I still need help," emphasizes the ski star, who fears for his career and would like nothing more than to return to a "normal life".

"I am overjoyed that my journey in a wheelchair is over. It's been seven weeks ... and these seven weeks have been some of the most challenging of my life so far," Kilde describes in his latest Instagram post.

"Every day you do the same thing"
"It's a mental up and down, for sure. I have good days - or better days - and worse days, so the mental part is really not that easy because not much happens. Every day you wake up and do the same thing ... and that's what life is going to be like for the next little while," says the 31-year-old, who is already starting to get a little impatient. "It will definitely be different when I can walk again and am more independent," says Kilde, who still needs a lot of help.

Heavy crash shortly before the finish
The Olympic and World Championship medal winner crashed heavily in the Wengen downhill on 13 January shortly before the finish and crashed into the net. The friend of Mikaela Shiffrin suffered deep cuts to his lower leg and an injury to his left shoulder - with a lot of blood loss.

Looking forward to "nice things"
"I'm still thinking about the crash and what happened and what I need to work on to somehow accept it and move on," Kilde provides an insight into his thoughts. The speed elk fears for his career. "But I have a lot of nice things to look forward to and that's what I'm focusing on now," says Kilde, trying to remain positive. That's how we know the likeable athlete from Norway.

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