Your vote counts

This is what the AK election is all about

04.03.2024 15:45

The Chamber of Labor elections are coming up in Austria this year. Salzburg and Vorarlberg, which have been able to vote since January 26th, have kicked things off. They will take place in Carinthia from March 4 to 13. But what are the Chamber of Labor elections about? You can find out that and much more here.

What is the AK election about?
The Chamber of Labor not only helps employees and consumers with legal problems, but also advocates for their interests in politics. This is why elections to the Chamber of Labor take place every 5 years, so that you can help determine the political course of the Chamber of Labor.

What exactly is elected?
There are 9 independent chambers of labor in Austria: one in each federal state. Each of these chambers of labor is governed by an AK parliament ("plenary assembly"). You decide who works for you in this parliament of employees with your vote.

In the AK election, you can choose from various political groups with different political programs. The more votes a group receives, the more representatives it will have in the plenary assembly. These chamber councillors (comparable to members of the National Council) elect a president of the Chamber of Labor.

What does the AK plenary assembly do?
All members of the AK plenary assembly have one thing in common: they want the best for working people.

But what is best is discussed and debated just like in any other parliament. The plenary assembly therefore meets twice a year to discuss and vote on what the Chamber of Labor should focus on. These resolutions therefore determine, for example, which demands the AK makes, where it should exert particular pressure and how it should develop itself further. It is headed by the AK President.

Is there also an Austria-wide AK election?
No. There is a kind of umbrella organization, the Federal Chamber of Labour (BAK), above the 9 regional chambers of labour. It is located in the AK Vienna. The Federal Chamber of Labor does not hold its own elections. However, its course is also determined democratically, and this is how it works:

  • The 9 presidents of the chambers of labor and 58 other chamber councilors from all federal states form the general assembly.
  • This General Assembly decides on the Chamber of Labor's interest policy course for important issues throughout Austria.
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