Criticism of funding system

Deficiencies in child and youth welfare uncovered

27.02.2024 13:13

The Provincial Court of Audit acknowledges that child and youth welfare in Upper Austria performs an "important socio-political function". In its latest own-initiative audit, however, it identifies room for improvement in some areas - in particular, criticism is leveled at funding without demonstrable performance.

The Upper Austrian Department of Child and Youth Welfare (KJH) spent almost 30 million euros in 2022, around half of which on prevention services. The LRH noted this favorably in its current audit. However, not everything met with the auditors' approval - there was "potential for optimization", especially in the promotion of KJH services.

Where was the performance?
The parent-child centers are a thorn in the side of the LRH. These offered "only a few services" for the families cared for by the KJH, but still received funding. "It would therefore make sense to discontinue this funding from child and youth welfare funds," the report states.

The auditors also noticed that services are being funded that are also provided by a private facility in Linz. It should be clarified "whether various services funded by the state overlap in terms of content".

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We are generally critical of the current practice of funding organizations with close ties to political parties. In these cases, the Child and Youth Welfare Department should also apply the guidelines it has set itself consistently to these funding recipients.

Rudolf Hoscher, Direktor Landesrechnungshof OÖ

Finally, the LRH criticizes the fact that five organizations with close ties to political parties received funding in 2021, although, according to LRH Director Rudolf Hoscher, "no concrete services geared towards the needs of the KJH's clientele" were provided.

"Contradictory to the funding conditions"
In 2023, Kinderfreunde OÖ then received funding amounting to 1.12 million euros, although the funding application "was in contradiction to the stated funding conditions". The Alleinerziehend association also received 89,000 euros in funding, although the funding application did not include an assessment of eligibility. According to the LRH, the KJH department must ensure that the necessary amount and type of services are available through needs and development planning.

Criticism as a basis for further development
He takes the recommendations seriously, they are the basis for further development, reacted the responsible provincial councillor Michael Lindner (SPÖ) on Tuesday. He assured that the aforementioned planning should be linked to corresponding impact indicators "will be addressed in a separate project in 2024".

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