Fair chocolate campaign

Doppelgänger bars end up on supermarket shelves

12.02.2024 12:07

From now on, take a close look when shopping for chocolate: Tony's Chocolonely wants to bring nothing less than a "sweet revolution" to Austria with so-called doppelganger bars of well-known chocolate brands and show how fair really tastes!

With this special packaging, the Dutch chocolate manufacturer's "Tony's Fair Alternative" campaign aims to combat the bitter reality of the chocolate industry. Inspired by well-known chocolate brands, these "doppelganger bars" are not only intended to impress with their taste and design, but above all to focus on fairness, as the impact company emphasizes.

The highlight: in contrast to many major brands, Tony's says it voluntarily pays a higher price for its cocoa, which guarantees the cocoa farmers a living income.

Showing other manufacturers how things can be fair
"Tony's Fair Alternative" is not only intended to wake up consumers, but also to motivate other chocolate manufacturers to take their responsibility seriously and ensure fair conditions in the cocoa industry. After all, a higher, fair price is demonstrably the most powerful factor in combating illegal child labor and would enable hundreds of thousands of families to lead a better life. This campaign aims to draw attention to this.

Almost all the same, except for one huge difference (Bild: Tony‘s Chocolonely)
Almost all the same, except for one huge difference

Will this make chocolate more expensive? According to Tony's, it shouldn't, as studies such as the Cocoa Barometer 2020 show: Large chocolate manufacturers only have to give up a certain amount of their profits. Tony's is already demonstrating this and inviting everyone to copy the business model.

From February 12, everyone can see for themselves, as the "doppelganger bars" will be available for EUR 3.49 in all Interspar and selected Spar stores as well as in the Tony's online store. Incidentally, our neighbors in Germany have been selling the "Doppelgänger-Tafeln" since 1 February and the Mondelez Group (Milka) has already announced that it is taking Tony's to court.

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