Big debate

Energy: ÖVP demands three months of free electricity

09.02.2024 19:00

In Tyrol, a court has declared the price increase by the regional energy supplier to be illegal. This is now also causing a debate in Burgenland.

In Tyrol, the Chamber of Labor had brought a test case against the regional energy supplier TIWAG. Specifically, the case concerned the actual procurement costs of electricity and their influence on price increases. The lawsuit was successful: the court found that the price increases were only permissible if production costs increased.

Many unanswered questions
The ÖVP therefore also sees unanswered questions at Burgenland Energie: "Were there also incomprehensible price increases here, even though a lot of electricity is generated by wind and solar energy?" asks Johannes Mezgolits, a member of the provincial parliament from Turkey.

The ÖVP wants to know whether there have been "incomprehensible" price increases. (Bild: Huber Patrick)
The ÖVP wants to know whether there have been "incomprehensible" price increases.

Burgenland Energie would make record profits, but the self-generated electricity would not end up entirely in domestic sockets, but would be sold on at a high price.

Price reduction demanded
The People's Party is therefore also calling on the Burgenland Chamber of Labor to closely examine the prices and, if necessary, take legal action. Markus Ulram, head of the ÖVP parliamentary group, has also announced a topical hour in the state parliament. If the interest group does not comply, the ÖVP is considering filing a lawsuit itself.

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As Burgenland Energie continues to make profits on the backs of its customers, we are calling for an immediate price reduction in the form of three months of free electricity.

(Bild: ÖVP)

Klubobmann Markus Ulram (ÖVP)

At the same time, he is also calling for an immediate price reduction in the form of three months of free electricity. "This would allow the regional energy supplier to help people immediately and avoid unnecessary excess profits," explains Ulram.

Criticism from AK
The Burgenland Chamber of Labor has voiced massive criticism. President Gerhard Michalitsch asks where the ÖVP was when they worked together with the experts from Energie Burgenland to shed light on the tariff jungle: "To now cry out for a lawsuit during the AK election campaign is a very transparent motive." At the same time, there are currently negotiations with Burgenland Energie to achieve improvements for consumers.

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Where was the ÖVP when we, together with experts from Burgenland Energie, brought light into the tariff jungle or ensured clear regulations?

(Bild: AK Burgenland)

AK-Burgenland-Präsident Gerhard Michalitsch

No one terminated
The comparison with Tyrol is "completely wrong in terms of content", emphasizes Energie Burgenland CEO Stephan Sharma. In contrast to TIWAG, no customers were terminated during the energy crisis. "The facts also show that Burgenland Energie was the cheapest provider of all provincial energy suppliers thanks to five major relief measures," explains Sharma.

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