Flu epidemic rages

Half of Austria is currently sick in bed

09.02.2024 08:30

The number of sick days due to flu and influenza is at an all-time high across Austria. Vienna and Upper Austria are leading the way. A further increase is feared, especially after the semester break.

Agonizing coughs, colds, headaches, often accompanied by a fever - complaints like these are currently plaguing many Austrians. The number of sick days due to flu-like infections and influenza (real flu) is increasing day by day. Surgeries are being stormed.

Last week, 109,773 people were at home with one of these infections, as reported by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK). In addition, there were 4980 corona sufferers.

The reasons for the many sick notes are flu-like infections and influenza. (Bild: Krone KREATIV, stock.adobe.com)
The reasons for the many sick notes are flu-like infections and influenza.

The frontrunners are flu-like infections - more than 100,000 Austrians are currently off sick. Vienna with 26,816, Upper Austria with 21,532 and Lower Austria with 16,815 cases lead the list of federal states. The number of people suffering from influenza is also increasing and, at 8945 cases, is almost six times higher than last year!

Vaccination particularly effective this year
"An effective measure against this is the flu vaccination, which is particularly effective this year, as there is a good match between the prevailing flu viruses and the vaccine," emphasizes ÖGK Chief Physician Dr. Andreas Krauter. Further recommendations from the expert against infection and transmission: Wear a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands regularly.

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An important measure against the flu is vaccination, which is particularly effective this year. Wearing a mask, keeping your distance and washing your hands also help to prevent infection.

(Bild: ÖGK)

Andreas Krauter, Chefarzt ÖGK

Covid-19 infections continue to fall
Corona cases, on the other hand, are continuing to fall in this country. However, no exact figures are available as Covid-19 has no longer been a notifiable disease since July 1, 2023. As a result, there is also less testing. The actual incidence of infection is now only visible via wastewater monitoring. This is used to monitor the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Austria.

What am I suffering from?

How the symptoms of a cold (flu-like infection), influenza (real flu) and Covid-19 (corona) differ:

  • Colds are characterized by symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath and an elevated temperature, which usually subside on their own after a week.
  • Influenza: Typical symptoms that develop very quickly and severely are high fever, sore throat, dry cough, fatigue, exhaustion, severe headaches and muscle aches.
  • Covid-19: The most common symptoms are fever, chills, fatigue, headache, cough, "cold symptoms" (sneezing, dry throat, blocked nose). In addition, joint and muscle pain, inflammation of the eyes and mucous membranes, lung problems and gastrointestinal disorders can occur. Loss of sense of smell and taste is also typical.

The flu epidemic is expected to last until March. According to the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), around 4,000 people died from the flu last season, including several children. Vaccination is particularly recommended for older people, pregnant women and children.

Experts expect the number of flu infections and influenza cases to increase even further after the semester break.

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