9 infections in Vienna

Measles cases in Austria on the rise since the previous week

02.02.2024 15:21

A noticeable increase in measles cases has been registered in Austria. On Friday, the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) reported eleven infections for both this week and last week. Nine cases from this week concerned Vienna. Many suspected measles samples are currently arriving at MedUni Vienna's Center for Virology.

On Friday, there were still two active cases and one suspected case of measles in Vienna, according to the office of City Councillor for Health Peter Hacker (SPÖ). Four cases of measles were reported in Burgenland on Friday.

Cases of measles are currently on the rise. (Bild: weerapat1003/stock.adobe.com)
Cases of measles are currently on the rise.

Measles vaccinations missed during the pandemic should be made up for. A high vaccination rate could eradicate measles.

Free vaccination recommended
The infections usually affect small children who have not been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella, explained a spokesperson for Hacker. The vaccination offers very good protection and can be administered from the age of nine months. Appointments can be booked online at Impfservice Wien and via the health hotline 1450, as well as at GPs throughout Austria. The vaccination consists of two doses and is free of charge for all age groups in Austria, so it can also be repeated in adulthood.

Judith Aberle, Professor of Virus Immunology at MedUni Vienna, wrote this week on the X platform (formerly Twitter) of a "drastic increase in measles because many people are no longer having themselves and their children vaccinated". Many suspected measles samples are currently arriving at MedUni's Center for Virology, indicating "that this worrying trend is continuing".

If measles with a rash, fever and red eyes is suspected, the doctor or hospital should be contacted before a visit to prevent further infections in waiting rooms and outpatient clinics, the doctor advised.

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