Sensitive data

Top Viennese lawyer becomes victim of hacker group

25.05.2024 06:01

Given the sensitive data they hold, it's no wonder that lawyers are often the targets of hackers. Now the law firm of a renowned Viennese business lawyer has been hacked. The perpetrators published the lawyer's passport - and presumably demanded money.

In the evening hours of May 10, the name of a renowned law firm in Vienna's city center suddenly appeared on a darknet page on the website of the international hacker collective "Monti". The hackers themselves explained what this meant. They claim to have stolen a large amount of data from the lawyer's computers.

Lawyer's data popular on the darknet
According to their own statements, it is said to have been 180 gigabytes. It is unclear exactly what data this is and how much money they want from the Viennese lawyer in order not to publish the data. In any case, "Monti" has already published a copy of the lawyer's passport. More than 12,000 hits show that there is interest in the data.

The "Wall of Shame" - the hacker group's "offer" now has more than 12,000 hits. (Bild: Krone KREATIV/zVg)
The "Wall of Shame" - the hacker group's "offer" now has more than 12,000 hits.

Lawyer does not deny or confirm attack
According to "Krone" cyber expert Dr. Cornelius Granig, "Monti" is a "particularly dangerous" group, as it is also known for using malware for the Linux operating system. According to Granig, many Linux users believe that they are better protected than with Windows systems - a misconception. When asked by Krone, the lawyer neither confirmed nor denied the attack.

Zitat Icon

Lawyers in particular need to place special emphasis on maximum computer security and data protection. This includes always encrypting important files.

„Krone“-Cyberexperte Dr. Cornelius Granig berät selbst Kanzleien

Law firms must protect data in particular
Whether the group will actually publish data in the fall - as announced - is unclear. However, Granig, who advises law firms on data theft himself, warns. Lawyers' legally protected communications, such as the status of court proceedings or information about contracts and secret agreements, are ideal for blackmail attempts. In this professional group, the highest level of computer security must be ensured. This also includes always storing and transmitting important data in encrypted form.

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read the original article here.

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