I drink a Mehrerauer

Monks present new monastery beer

24.05.2024 08:15

In cooperation with the Frastanzer brewery, the Cistercian monks launch the new "Mehrerauer Klosterbier" on the market

Organic, sustainable and amber-colored - the new Märzenbier was created in close collaboration between the monks and the Frastanz brewery. "Historically, monasteries have always played an important role in beer production," says Abbot Vinzenz Wohlwend. That's why the Cistercian monks of Mehrerau have been asked time and again whether they don't brew their own beer.

Sustainable project
In the end, the suggestions fell on fertile ground. Not least because the 800th anniversary of the monastery community will be celebrated in 2027, the monks around Abbot Vinzenz Wohlwend decided to launch a beer on the market. "But it's not enough for us to develop a tasty beer just for 2027 that will be on the market for one season and then disappear again. That's why we started this project almost two years ago," explains the abbot.

5.1 percent

alcohol content is the new "Mehrerauer Klosterbier", which will be launched on the market this summer. The raw materials for the barley juice come exclusively from the Lake Constance region. The Frastanz brewery obtains the water from the pipes of its home community. The organically grown hops come from Tettnang in Germany.

Full-bodied and drinkable

The collaboration with the Frastanz cooperative brewery began just over a year ago. The result: a beer that is characterized by a fine malty taste. "The selected organic hops from Tettnang give the beer its noble, bitter note," says Kurt Michelini, Managing Director of the Frastanz brewery, describing the monastery beer in more detail.

The barley juice will be available to buy in 0.5-liter bottles with swing tops in food retailers from autumn. Before then, it will be served in selected pubs, restaurants and inns. The beer will be officially presented at the "Monastery Open Day" on June 15 from 10 am to 4 pm.

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