Interview with superstar

Zucchero sprays an “overdose of d’amore”

23.05.2024 11:02

Hits and new songs from the Italo star await the audience at the big open-air concert on July 25 at Domplatz in St. Pölten. The musician spoke to the "Krone" ahead of his visit.

He is at home on the stages of this world. He has been touring regularly since his hit "Senza una donna". In his native Italy, the 68-year-old has topped the album charts 13 times. Zucchero has been captivating audiences for decades with his soulful ballads, unmistakable voice and plenty of blues in his blood. As part of his world tour, he is also paying a visit to the capital of Lower Austria. And as the Italian superstar's tour motto "Overdose d'amore" would have it, there will be plenty of love waiting for him on July 25 at St. Pölten Cathedral Square.

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At the beginning of my career, I wanted to be successful. Today I'm happy to be doing something I love.


Musician is already looking forward to the thrill
"Love is very important in everyone's life, whether to give it or to receive it," said the Italo star in an interview with the "Krone". One of the greatest love stories in his decades-long career connects him with his audience: "I love my fans for their support and am very grateful to them," says Zucchero, looking forward to his audience in St. Pölten. In addition to a fantastic band, he has plenty of hits and new songs in his luggage.

Open air at the Domplatz in St. Pölten: July 25 at 8 pm (Bild: L. Lusetzky)
Open air at the Domplatz in St. Pölten: July 25 at 8 pm

The superstar will be one of the first to play the "new" Domplatz and rock the audience in the heart of the city - a highlight even for the 68-year-old, despite his many years of stage experience: "It's always a thrill for me to play in a new place, so it will be an exciting evening. It will be interesting to see what new technology they bring to a brand new venue," explains Zucchero.

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There won't be time for a trip to the Wachau. But I'm looking forward to trying out the local cuisine.

Zucchero – auch bekannt als Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari

Where does the motivation come from today? "Being on tour is always a pleasure. It's important to do things in life that you enjoy. I love playing live and getting a great response from the audience - as long as people want to see me, that's my biggest motivation," emphasizes the musician.

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