Sportalm family

Kitzbühel’s commitment to Uganda’s needy children

05.05.2024 05:30

As the saying goes: if you save one life, you save the whole world. The family around Sportalm boss Ulli Ehrlich has set itself the goal of giving really needy children the chance of a future. This was also the reason why they traveled to Uganda together. A particularly emotional trip - for everyone involved.

In 2008, the Tyrolean couple Gabi and Stefan Pfleger founded the charitable association "Children a Chance". Since then, many Austrians have supported the couple. Including the Kitzbühel family of Sportalm boss Ulli Ehrlich.

School and social project
2008 was also a fateful year for her and her four sons when her husband and father of her children died in an accident. In his memory, they financed the Alex Mair School in Uganda. This has now developed into a major project. Not only are 600 children accommodated here, but a total of around 2000 children are provided with food, education and at least partial housing. When the adjoining kindergarten was opened, Ehrlich traveled to Africa with her boys Lorenz, Victor, Felix and Xaver.

Alex Mair School: A social institution in memory of the father of sons Lorenz, Victor, Felix and Xaver, who died in an accident in 2008. (Bild: Pia Eisenbach/Kindern eine Chance)
Alex Mair School: A social institution in memory of the father of sons Lorenz, Victor, Felix and Xaver, who died in an accident in 2008.
Over 600 children are educated on site. (Bild: Pia Eisenbach/Kindern eine Chance )
Over 600 children are educated on site.
Ulli Ehrlich traveled to the opening of the kindergarten with her four sons. (Bild: Pia Eisenbach/Kindern eine Chance)
Ulli Ehrlich traveled to the opening of the kindergarten with her four sons.

People achieve great things
Mama Ehrlich was overwhelmed by the emotions: "I am really deeply touched by everything that these great people have created there."

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