Viennese Blue Party met

“Torture servants”: FPÖ rants of the extremes

06.04.2024 13:16

On Saturday, the Vienna FPÖ confirmed its chairman Dominik Nepp with 99.5 percent. However, the blue party used the party conference at Messe Wien primarily as a campaign stage in the super election year: Federal party leader Herbert Kickl railed against the competition as an "opposing unity party", while EU top candidate Harald Vilimsky called for a blue EU commissioner "for remigration".

Kickl once again staged himself as the "people's chancellor" in this super election year. In terms of content, he offered his classics and, as usual, prominently addressed the coronavirus measures.

Reckoning with corona
He described the system at the time as "a crime against humanity, committed by his own government and its stooges" against his own people.

Kickl defends his "wanted list"
Kickl defended his much-criticized expression of a "wanted list of those fleeing responsibility": Suddenly the "wanted list creators of recent years" are themselves "sensitive", although they had "created wanted lists" themselves during Corona. "Now the torturers are up to their necks in water."

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The fight must be waged, for example, against the insane warmongering, the madness of wokeness, the attack on property and the punishment of performance or against the subjugation by international organizations, whether EU or WHO.

FPÖ-Parteichef Herbert Kickl

Indirect threat to Edtstadler
He said to Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP), who repeatedly spoke out against Kickl by pointing out that she knew him as State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior: "Maybe she will get to know me when we deal with the coronavirus mess."

Criticism of the ÖVP's asylum policy
As expected, the topic of migration was not neglected either, with Kickl once again speaking of a "mass migration". "The biggest and loudest liar above all others" is the ÖVP, according to the blue party leader. Instead of fighting the grievances, they are fighting the Freedom Party.

"Red-green nutcases" and "black failures"
Of course, a distinction must be made: There are also immigrants who integrate well and without courses. And these, said Kickl, were "a thousand times better than the red-green nutcases who don't know anything" and "the black losers, above all the blindworm in the Ministry of the Interior", he accused Gerhard Karner (ÖVP).

"EU madness"
The EU elections will take place in June before the National Council elections, and top candidate Vilimsky also used the Vienna stage for a hearty campaign speech: "Imagine a red button to get Austria out of the 'EU madness'," said Vilimsky. "I wouldn't hesitate for a millisecond to press this button."


Of course, this does not mean an "Öxit", i.e. withdrawal from the EU, he immediately added, but the aim is to "slim down, redimension" the EU and replace Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and other "jokers" at European level. The EU Parliament and Commission should be halved, Vilimsky demanded.

Vilimsky wants FPÖ Commissioner "for Remigration "
Vilimsky would also like to see an EU Commissioner from the ranks of the blue party. In addition to a "People's Chancellor" Herbert Kickl, why not also claim the Commissioner, he said: namely a Commissioner for dismantling the EU and "for remigration", Vilimsky used a controversial term that has often been used in recent years by the Identitarian movement, which has been classified as far-right by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

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The aim is to slim down the EU, redimension it and replace Commission President von der Leyen and other jokers at European level.

Harald Vilimsky

Nepp calls for a "duel" against Ludwig
In his speech, Nepp used harsh words to call for a "duel" against Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ). It was "five to twelve" to save Vienna, as Ludwig had "led the city into a veritable abyss", he said, painting a bleak picture. The city was suffering most from "the rampant asylum-related crime".


Nepp calls for "an immediate stop to asylum"
In Vienna-Favoriten there is only more fear, Nepp demanded an "immediate asylum stop" and more police. "This pack, these rapists who rape our women, these beasts who murder our children, there is no pardon for them. They have to go back, not to the Austrian prison, but to the Afghan dungeon," he raged.

Police in Vienna-Favoriten (Bild: APA/FLORIAN WIESER)
Police in Vienna-Favoriten

He rejects the fact that container classes are now being set up for additional pupils through family reunifications. Family reunifications would be better carried out in Syria and Afghanistan by deporting the men again, he said.
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