German "RKI files"

Sensitive passages on the coronavirus vaccination also blacked out

28.03.2024 16:12

The published consultation protocols on coronavirus - as reported by - are now making waves beyond Germany's borders, primarily in circles of vaccination sceptics on social media. The latest revelations have now also brought the FPÖ onto the scene.

The case involving protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which played a key role in the development of coronavirus measures in Germany and also served as an international guide during the crisis, is grist to the mill of the Freedom Party, which has always been riding the wave of protest.

Lauterbach: "Hatred and incitement"
Above all, the fact that pages of the files published years later have been blacked out is causing criticism. The RKI argues that this is due to "legal grounds for exclusion", such as data protection. German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) also justified the decision: "Employees in particular were blacked out to protect them from hatred and hate speech."

Not only names were redacted
As the "Bild" newspaper currently reports, not only names have been blacked out, but also the "protected official consultation process", as the RKI lawyers call it. Redacted passages contain, for example, "information on vaccination side effects" and "possible causes". There is also talk of a pharmaceutical company's "legitimate interest in confidentiality" with regard to vaccine development. "Overall, the black areas raise urgent questions," judges Bild.

"It is becoming increasingly clear ..."
This is where Herbert Kickl comes in. The FPÖ leader himself posted a Facebook post on Maundy Thursday, which was shared and commented on hundreds of times and liked thousands of times within a few hours: "What secrets is the government trying to hide here? Specifically, it is apparently about details of vaccination side effects. It's becoming increasingly clear: the swearers were right after all!" Kickl is certain. And he promises: "Everything will be uncovered." The Freedom Party in government would make sure of that.

New attempt for Corona U Committee?
So if you want "corona exposure", you should vote FPÖ - probably a foretaste of the National Council election campaign that awaits us this year. When asked, the Blue Party told that there are comparable protocols in this country that should be disclosed. According to the FPÖ, the population has been deliberately frightened ("Soon all of us will know someone who has died of corona") in order to promote the vaccination - the FPÖ is calling for a Corona U committee, but has already been rebuffed twice in parliament with corresponding motions.

However, things could look different after the National Council elections in the fall. In order to push through a parliamentary sub-committee, 25 percent of MPs are needed.

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