Ideal excursion

Cycling: Healthy sport for the whole family

30.03.2024 15:00

Cycling has been one of the most popular sports among Austrians for years - even before skiing, running or swimming. It is not only fun, but also promotes endurance, trains the cardiovascular system, is easy on the joints and strengthens muscles. On the long Easter weekend, many people use their free time to go for a bike ride.

Every pedal stroke not only covers kilometers, but also creates wonderful memories for generations - and promotes health. Cycling is the quintessential family sport. And Austria is now a "bike nation"!

As many as 39 percent get on their bikes several times a week in spring and summer. Exercise in the fresh air (84%), the contribution to physical health (80%) and the experience of nature (79%) are by far the most important motivators for Austrian cyclists to get on their bikes, according to the IMAS Bike Report 2023. Environmental concerns also play a role. More and more working people are also swapping their car for a bike to get to work.

Never without a helmet!
Unfortunately, accidents happen again and again with this trendy sport. According to the Austrian Road Safety Board (KfV), almost 9,000 Austrians are injured so seriously every year while cycling or mountain biking that they have to be treated in hospital. Experts therefore advocate the use of suitable equipment: helmets, knee and elbow pads can prevent serious injuries. Nevertheless, only 32 percent of those surveyed in the Bikereport stated that they always wear a helmet. This should change - even for adults!

Pay attention during the tour

  • Every participant should wear a suitable bike helmet! (Helmets are compulsory for children up to the age of 12).
  • Choose a suitable route and adapt it to the ability of the worst cyclists.
  • Take regular breaks and drink.
  • Carry a small emergency kit such as a first aid kit and repair tools.

Set up the bike correctly
It is also important to choose the right bike and adjust it correctly to your body size. Many people set their saddle too low, for example, as they feel safer due to the better contact with the ground. The optimum seat height depends on the length of your legs. When seated, the heel of the slightly bent leg should reach the pedal below.

Easter outing for young and old
Why should the whole family go on an Easter bike ride? Cycling is suitable for people of all ages. Grandpa can easily race his grandchildren. Compared to many other sports, it puts much less strain on the joints. The aerobic activity also promotes cardiovascular health and improves endurance. Everything is possible, from leisurely tours to intensive training sessions. So, get on your bike!

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