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The Putz family is calling it quits after 25 years!

01.04.2024 08:30

After 25 years, Austria's best-known family is calling it quits and, after a quarter of a century and countless commercials, wants to take on new challenges.

In their 25 years, the Putz family can look back on a multitude of experiences and achievements: they flew through the galaxies on behalf of good taste, acted as Punch and Judy characters, honored Monty Python with a tribute and much more. There was dancing, singing, theater and comedy from various genres.

Thanks to the companions
"We can look back on an incredibly wonderful time at the XXXLutz furniture store, but now it's time for something new," says Max Putz, who as head of the family speaks for the whole family. "We would like to thank XXXLutz and Head of Marketing Thomas Saliger for believing in us for 25 years. The collaboration was characterized by the highest level of mutual respect and friendship. This step is not easy for us, but we simply want to try something new and wish the best furniture store all the best," continued Max Putz.

The XXXLutz Group's Head of Marketing, Thomas Saliger, is also dismayed, but also thanks the cult family: "We are very grateful to the family and can understand the move. We didn't want to put any obstacles in the way of the performers; this is also an expression and a sign of all that the performers have done for us over 25 years. I'm sure they will also make their way in Hollywood and take their careers to a new level," Saliger continued.

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I would like to thank my Putz family for 25 great, successful and friendly years and wish them every success in their future careers.

Mag. Thomas Saliger, Marketingchef der XXXLutz Gruppe

Big career in Hollywood planned
The family is already on their way to Hollywood and started their journey today from Vienna Schwechat Airport. They will fly directly to Los Angeles, the world capital of entertainment, via Munich.

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