Clavier is back!

Premiere with champagne, punchlines & provocations

24.03.2024 05:55

Attack on the laugh muscles: Last Tuesday, the "Krone" and Filmladen hosted the Austrian premiere of the new comedy highlight with exceptional actor Christian Clavier, "Oh La La - Wer ahnt denn sowas", at the Urania cinema in Vienna. Exclusively for "Krone" readers, exceptional actor Clavier also had a very personal message for the film launch (see video above)!

The numerous premiere guests were duly welcomed with champagne and mini-quiches in the Urania cinema and were put in the mood for the cinematic adventure full of cultural surprises and sharp-tongued jibes by presenter Sasa Schwarzjirg.

In "Oh La La - Who suspects such a thing", not only French society but also European neighbors are humorously questioned. The film tells the story of the Bouvier-Sauvage family, whose plans are thrown into disarray by the marriage of their daughter to the son of a Peugeot dealer and subsequent unexpected DNA revelations. This constellation makes for humorous, cultural clashes and misunderstandings on the big screen - and for two entertaining hours for the premiere audience.

In addition to the tickets for the premiere at the Urania Cinema in Vienna, we raffled off 100x2 cinema vouchers for "Oh La La" so that "Krone" readers from Burgenland to Vorarlberg could also enjoy this cinematic highlight. The main prize was a trip to Paris for two people. In addition, there were also picnic bags filled to the brim with 1 bottle of Liliet & Berry Tonic and other great prizes that underlined the French flair of the film.

The evening at the Urania cinema was a very special highlight for our main winner Stefan M.: Guido Hackl, Air France Country Manager for Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia, presented him with tickets for a flight to Paris for two people. He will spend the night at the Hotel Le Belmont - and the lucky winner was presented with a bottle of champagne at the premiere party. C'est français!

Christian Clavier spoke to the "Krone" about his critics, his love of Vienna and the healing power of humor on the occasion of the theatrical release of "Oh La La - Wer ahnt denn sowas". Read the whole interview HERE!

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