Helmut Werner's 40th birthday

Oh, là, là! Gérard Depardieu was there “secretly” …

24.03.2024 05:00

Artist manager Helmut Werner worked with Lollobrigida, Anderson & Co. Somehow it came as (almost) no surprise that the "Obelix" star made a surprise appearance for the Styrian's 40th birthday.

A full house on Saturday evening at the "Der Fuchs" winery in Maria Enzersdorf, Lower Austria. The reason was a festive one, as artist manager Helmut Werner was celebrating his 40th birthday with family and friends. "And I wouldn't have been myself if it hadn't been a really entertaining party for everyone ..."

He was true to his word, because over the course of the evening, the party guests were also given plenty to talk about - and ADABEI played fly on the wall for the Krone readers. "Health, not just for your birthday, is the most important thing. And for him, his wife Nicole and little Lennie", wished him the round around folk song giant Heino and his Opera Ball host, Mister Alpha Cooling Markus Deussl. They did so while the Stoanis, kissed awake from their musical retirement, sang "Steirermen san very good" together with Fritz Kristoferitsch from Ober-Edlseer at the entrée, the CCR troupe performed their hits such as "Proud Mary" and Falco impersonator Patrick Simoner created a great atmosphere.

And what about the topic of conversation predicted at the beginning? It materialized in the form of Gérard Depardieu! The 75-year-old Frenchman was not without controversy, especially in the recent past. But on this evening? "Obelix" was only there as a well-wisher with his girlfriend Magda Vavrusova. He flew in from Paris and everything was top secret - after all, the surprise was supposed to be a success. Well, it succeeded. Depardieu didn't want to talk about his cinema successes, but his milestone birthday last December and that of Werner were enough of a topic to make for a convivial evening. He then took off at the witching hour. Bon voyage!

Also present: former minister Michael Krüger, Sonnbergstuben landlady Rosi Schipflinger, pop star Peter Orloff, Wildecker Herzbube Wolfgang Schwalm and dog professional Lukas Pratschker.

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