Bad luck even on vacation!

Volleyball player asks herself: “Why is it always me?”

23.03.2024 11:20

On Saturday, she will once again celebrate her home comeback after a forced break in the semi-final home match of the Linz Steelvolleys: middle blocker Andrea Duvnjak (22), who has been unlucky recently, from a torn cruciate ligament to a torn abdominal muscle fiber to an appendectomy - the 22-year-old was even hit hard on vacation!

"We're a bit above Linz this year," said Graz volleyball player Anna Oberhauser before the start of the best-of-3 semi-final series against Steg. But the Oberbank Steelvolleys won game 1 away from home 3:2 on Tuesday and can advance to the final on Saturday (18:30). "The atmosphere in Graz was outstanding, I hope it will be the same for us," hopes Andrea Duvnjak.

Hoping for fans of LASK, Blau-Weiß, the Black Wings and HC Linz
Because this time, season ticket holders of the clubs LASK, Blau-Weiß, Black Wings and HC Linz, which are not playing at the weekend, will also have free admission, including one accompanying person! They should see a win. "In the duels with the Styrians, we've always been very strong-nerved, whereas their nerves somehow always flutter against us and they can rarely produce their best performance," says Duvnjak, who has needed extremely strong nerves herself in recent years. "I ask myself: Why is it always me?" says the 22-year-old, who has been on a long losing streak:

  • April 2022: Cruciate ligament rupture & meniscus damage!
  • September 2022: Another operation is necessary on the right knee, which is arthroscoped.
  • August 2023: After Andrea was bitten by a tiger mosquito on vacation in Sri Lanka, she came down with dengue fever. "I've never had pain like this before," says Duvnjak.
  • September 2023: Abdominal muscle tear over 4cm! "It was hellish pain again and lasted several months," she says.
  • February 20 24: Acute appendectomy!

Steelvolleys coach says: "We want to set the pace"
Thankfully, the budding primary school teacher is now fit and says ahead of the all-important match: "After the away win, we now have a good chance. We'll give it everything we've got, we want to reach the final on Saturday and avoid a deciding game in Graz on Tuesday at all costs!" Argentinian coach Facundo Morando sets out the plan: "We want to set the pace right from the start. The pressure on Graz increases with every set we win."

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