At the town hall square

Why this quirky wooden structure is vital

06.03.2024 18:30

Passers-by are surprised by a bizarre-looking wooden structure on a Wilhelminian-style building in the city center. But it has an important (survival) function for pedestrians.

The Wiener Städtische building at Rathausplatz 2 is home to a construction that has caused astonishment among Krone readers. A load-bearing pillar is encased in chipboard and has a kind of collecting funnel above it.

What is this all about? Is the "funnel" supposed to protect pedestrians from falling parts of the building, as some people assume? "It is actually a protective and safety measure for pedestrians due to water damage to the neighboring property, about which we cannot provide any further details. Our property is in excellent condition. The building was completely renovated within two years until 2022," explains Wolfgang Haas from Vienna Insurance Group.

The danger therefore comes from the neighboring building, Rathausplatz no. 3. The property has a turbulent history. In 2021, around 50 activists occupied the empty Wilhelminian-style building - as reported by Die Krone. They protested against high rents and asylum policy with large banners. The police quickly put an end to the hustle and bustle.

Back to the present and the crumbling façade. "The danger remains. You can see that parts of the plaster and stucco have already fallen off further inside the arch and this will continue," explains local councillor Anton Mahdalik (FPÖ).

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The City of Vienna should carry out the necessary façade repairs itself and bill the owner for the costs.

(Bild: Anton Mahdalik)

Gemeinderat Anton Mahdalik (FPÖ)

The politician demands: The City of Vienna should have the necessary façade repairs carried out on the "ghost house" itself and charge the costs to the owner (an Immo-GmbH).

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