"Tighten the screw"

Kogler in favor of extending Russia sanctions

04.03.2024 17:57

On the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine, the EU has imposed new sanctions against Russia - the 13th package to date. Just over a week later, Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler is already calling for a further expansion of the punitive measures.

Kogler said on Monday in the new press conference format "Offen gefragt" that the measures taken so far are certainly having an effect. "But they are not as effective as they could be because Western technology components keep reaching Russia." This works more or less via routes "around the outside". "We should tighten one screw here."

Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler calls for further screws to be "tightened" against Russia. (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler calls for further screws to be "tightened" against Russia.

"The EU is behind it"
However, this issue is not so easy to grasp from a legal perspective, said the Green Party leader. For example, the question arises as to whether these new sanctions should be imposed on states or on companies and corporations that need to make sure what is actually happening to their goods. "That's what we're dealing with, the EU is behind it." Personally, he believes that there needs to be a mix of both approaches.

The leadership in Russia and Russian companies still have numerous opportunities to circumvent Western sanctions. (Bild: Maria Sbytova, stock.adobe.com)
The leadership in Russia and Russian companies still have numerous opportunities to circumvent Western sanctions.

New format to prevent "message control"
The press conference format "Openly asked" is an initiative of the Concordia Press Club, the Association of Parliamentary Editors and the Initiative for Quality in Journalism. Personalities of political importance for Austria are confronted for one hour with topics that are relevant from a journalistic point of view. The topics are chosen by the journalists. This is intended to avoid a certain spin on the press conference that the politicians would like to impose.

Kogler rejects ÖVP criticism of Kurz verdict
The verdict against former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz also played a role on Monday. The Vice-Chancellor rejected the ÖVP's criticism of the verdict and the judge. Among other things, ÖVP Secretary General Christian Stocker had raised the possibility of bias on the part of the judge. "These possible concerns that are being expressed are the subject of a clearly regulated appeal procedure. I would leave it there," said Kogler.

Michael Radasztics, judge in the false testimony trial against former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and former public prosecutor in the Eurofighter case, was sentenced to a disciplinary penalty in May 2023. (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)
Michael Radasztics, judge in the false testimony trial against former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and former public prosecutor in the Eurofighter case, was sentenced to a disciplinary penalty in May 2023.

He simply said to Stocker: "Even secretaries general should not leave a certain corridor." The fact that Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer did not condemn this action does not particularly worry Kogler. "We can't assume guardianship for everyone." If there are any objections, "then please go through the courts", he told the government partner.

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