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Pupil wanted to blow up his class

04.02.2024 06:00

Another commotion at a school in Styria: a boy who was isolated probably threatened his classmates.

They wanted to blow up the secondary school in Bruck an der Mur, were convicted and are still walking around the Upper Styrian town. After the "Krone" story about the two free terror boys recently caused a shake of the head, the next uproar has already shocked the school landscape in the district of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag.

15-year-old allegedly threatened to blow up class
According to information from "Krone", another 15-year-old is said to have threatened to blow up his class! The whole thing took place a few kilometers away from the secondary school in Bruck - in front of his classmates and a teacher. The teenager backed up his intentions by showing chats on his cell phone, much to everyone's horror, in which he is said to have announced the plan.

"Suddenly he changed his nature"
The pupil had been isolated from his peers for some time. He had never really found a connection, he felt excluded, resigned and withdrew more and more. This development did not go unnoticed by the teachers, not even visually. From one day to the next, the Upper Styrian apparently wore more conspicuous clothing. "He has changed his character," they said in the school's conference room.

On Friday, the police sirens blared and the suspect - for whom the presumption of innocence applies - was temporarily arrested. Officers went to his parents' house for a check-up, after which the 15-year-old was released. He is also being investigated for violating the Prohibition Act. He is said to have sent swastikas on his cell phone. The police believe it was an act of desperation - a cry for help because, isolated, he no longer knew what to do ...

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