Bridget Jones is back!

Secretly filmed video of Zellweger has surfaced

24.05.2024 12:11

Renée Zellweger is back in front of the camera in London in her iconic role as Bridget Jones. In the fourth film, she is widowed, has two children and a much younger toyboy. A secretly filmed video (embedded above) and photos of the filming have now emerged.

Residents of the Haverstock Hill area of London were very surprised by the celebrity visit last week. Renée Zellweger was filming in the middle of the street for her new movie in the Bridget Jones series. According to eyewitness reports, the scene for "Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy" took around two hours to shoot.

In the scene, Zellweger wears pink sneakers and a winter jacket with a blouse, vest and tartan skirt. Her hair is pinned up at the back in a so-called mom bun, the hairstyle of stressed mothers. Obviously tired from the day, she is on her way to a bus stop.

Renée Zellweger during filming in London (Bild: KameraOne)
Renée Zellweger during filming in London
Renée Zellweger during filming in London (Bild: Photo Press Service)
Renée Zellweger during filming in London

New and old co-stars
Nine years after the last sequel, "Bridget Jones' Baby" (2016), the fourth Bridget Jones film is due to be released in February 2025.

Zellweger (54) will be joined by former co-stars Hugh Grant (63) and Emma Thompson (64), Chiwetel Ejiofor (46), Isla Fisher (48) and Leo Woodall (27).

Woodall, who recently caused a sensation with the Netflix series "Two in a Day", plays Jones' young lover. Brit Michael Morris ("To Leslie") is on board as director.

The romantic comedy about the frustrated single woman Bridget Jones was an instant box office success in 2001 with "Chocolate for Breakfast".

Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones in "Chocolate for Breakfast" (Bild: Everett Collection /
Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones in "Chocolate for Breakfast"

Chubby anti-heroine
The film was based on the book of the same name by British author Helen Fielding. With "Bridget Jones - On the Edge of Madness", a second movie about the turbulent life of the chubby anti-heroine followed in 2004.

In it, Bridget was once again caught between two men, Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) and Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant). Twelve years later, "Bridget Jones' Baby" part 3 was released in cinemas. Patrick Dempsey ("Grey's Anatomy") played in this episode.

Fielding published another novel, "Mad About The Boy", in 2014.

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