Upheaval in Munich

FC Bayern mucks out! These stars have to tremble

24.05.2024 09:27

All new at the Isar. In addition to a new coach, the FC Bayern squad is also to be restructured. Seven stars are worried about staying in Munich, according to the German newspaper "Bild".

According to the tabloid, Serge Gnabry, for example, is a candidate for sale. Although the winger's contract does not expire until 2026, his susceptibility to injury means that the €20 million a year the 28-year-old earns is not really worth it.

Kingsley Coman is giving Bayern bosses a headache for the same reason. The Frenchman also misses too many games and, with a market value of 65 million euros, the club management is said to be considering selling him.

Barca pro coming?
Although not injured, Leon Goretzka has been too inconsistent this year. He could be replaced by Barcelona's Frenkie de Jong.

Joshua Kimmich is also on the list of potential sales candidates. The 29-year-old, who switched between right-back and defensive midfield last season, is said to be unsure whether he wants to extend his contract, which expires in 2025. If FC Bayern want to cash in on Kimmich, he would have to be sold in the summer.

Injury worries in the defense
Munich's defensive line has been giving them sleepless nights of late. The German record champions' defenders were injured too often. With Dayot Upamecano, Noussair Mazraoui and Alphonso Davies, three defenders could leave the club in the summer. The latter has been linked with Real Madrid for several months.

Possibly gone soon:

Serge Gnabry
Kingsley Coman (Bild: AFP)
Kingsley Coman
Leon Goretzka (Bild: Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Leon Goretzka
Joshua Kimmich (Bild: APA/AFP/CHRISTOF STACHE)
Joshua Kimmich
Dayot Upamecano (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Dayot Upamecano
Noussair Mazraoui (Bild: AFP)
Noussair Mazraoui
Alphonso Davies (Bild: APA/AFP/Ronny HARTMANN)
Alphonso Davies

A shake-up is imminent in Munich. After a title-less year, the squad is to be thoroughly shaken up. With a new coach and new players, the German record champions want to return to the top in 2024/25.

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