Unrest at Bayern

Ballack calls for a shake-up: “It’s up to the team”

22.05.2024 17:27

Former DFB captain Michael Ballack has spoken out about the ongoing turmoil at Bayern. He sees the team in particular as a "construction site". Major changes must now follow, concludes the former Bayern player.

In recent weeks, months and even years, the record champions have often failed to cut a commanding figure. First behind the scenes, then increasingly on the pitch. The current result: a title-less season, no coach for the new season, numerous rejections and repeated unrest due to various statements.

A situation that also left Ballack shaking his head, as he emphasized in an interview with "Sport Bild": "The season before that didn't go well for FC Bayern, it lost its dominance, and Julian Nagelsmann was there until spring 2023 - also a good coach like Tuchel. The construction site is the team!"

Ballack sees good signals
Clear words from the former DFB captain, who is now calling on the record champions to take the right steps: "After a season without a title, you have to get to grips with the team and make radical changes". It is clear to the 47-year-old, who played for Bayern himself from 2002 to 2006, that a coach is needed first.

Thomas Tuchel (Bild: APA/AFP/Thomas KIENZLE)
Thomas Tuchel

He saw the willingness to continue working with Thomas Tuchel as a good signal: "Of course, the idea was met with incomprehension from outsiders. You can't want to part ways with a coach in the summer - and then keep him after all. But it also showed a certain greatness on the part of FC Bayern to jump over its own shadow." In the end, however, Tuchel said no. Vincent Kompany is now seen as the most promising candidate.

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