Because of Taiwan policy

Xi counters: Beijing sanctions US arms companies

22.05.2024 13:57

Due to "economic coercion" by Washington and US arms sales to Taiwan, China announced sanctions against a dozen US arms companies and several executives on Wednesday. The move comes after the US imposed sanctions of its own.

The US had "imposed indiscriminate and illegal sanctions on a number of Chinese entities" while "continuing to sell arms to the Taiwan region", the Foreign Ministry in Beijing said of the "countermeasures".

The ministry condemned "unilateral intimidation and economic coercion that seriously violates the legitimate and legal rights of Chinese enterprises, institutions and individuals". China's punitive measures relate to units and individuals from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and General Dynamics, among others.

Beijing speaks of "one China principle"
The US arms sales to Taiwan constitute serious violations of the "one-China principle", interfere "in China's internal affairs" and "undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity", Beijing said. To justify its actions, Beijing also referred to US sanctions due to "so-called Russia-related factors".

At the beginning of May, the US imposed a new package of sanctions against supporters of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. This is aimed at around 300 individuals and companies, including firms from Russia, China and other countries, which are accused of helping Moscow to procure weapons and armaments for the war in Ukraine.

Major conflict looms over Taiwan
The Taiwan issue continues to cause tensions between Washington and Beijing - particularly following the approval of further US military aid for the island claimed by China. Although the USA does not support Taiwan's independence, it rejects its forcible incorporation by China.

Beijing wants to unite Taiwan with the mainland, using military force if necessary. The Chinese government classifies the new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, who was only sworn in on Monday, as a "separatist" - he has repeatedly announced a resolute stance towards Beijing.

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