Severe weather in Lower Austria

Heavy rain: Garages, cellars and roads flooded

22.05.2024 11:05

Flooded cellars and muddy roads were the result of heavy rain in the Waidhofen an der Thaya district of Lower Austria this afternoon. Eleven fire departments with 128 members were deployed. In the Zwettl district and in Krems, too, the heavy rain put the Florianis to the test.

At around 5.30 p.m., the masses of water flowed from the fields and meadows into the villages and flooded some cellars - the first emergency calls reached the fire department from Ulrichschlag (municipality of Waidhofen an der Thaya) and Lichtenberg (municipality of Windigsteig).

The cellar lane in Dietmanns was also flooded by around 30 cm and the mud carried along blocked the sewer system, reported the fire department. However, 59 members of the Dietmanns, Matzles, Waldreichs, Wienings and Waidhofen/Thaya fire departments managed to unblock the manholes in time before the masses of water and mud entered the cellars and garages of the houses.

The water continued to flow from Dietmanns to Groß Siegharts via the Sieghartser Bach stream. Water entered the underground parking garage on Hautplatz and threatened to damage the parked vehicles. Several local streets were under water, including the training ground of the dog sports club. Water also entered an apartment building and a clothing store, which had to be pumped out.

Over 100 Florianis in action
The Florianis from the district capital also battled against the masses of water. Water flowed over the roof into the premises of a store and triggered a fire alarm in the sales room. In the urban area of Waidhofen an der Thaya, the masses of water pushed open several manhole covers, which had to be reattached by the emergency services.

A total of eleven fire departments with 128 members were deployed in the municipalities of Waidhofen an der Thaya, Windigsteig, Dietmanns and Groß Siegharts.

Masses of water in the Zwettl district
The Florianis in Allentsteig in the Zwettl district were also called upon. Two retaining walls collapsed due to the massive masses of water. "A real river formed right into the town center," described the Allentsteig fire brigade. Several properties had to be secured with sandbags.

Storm operation in Allentsteig (Bild: FF Allentsteig )
Storm operation in Allentsteig
Storm operation in Allentsteig (Bild: FF Allentsteig )
Storm operation in Allentsteig
Storm operation in Allentsteig (Bild: FF Allentsteig )
Storm operation in Allentsteig
Operation in Göpfritz/Wild (Bild: Freiwillige Feuerwehr Göpfritz/Wild)
Operation in Göpfritz/Wild

At around 5.50 p.m., the alarm also sounded in Göpfritz an der Wild in the Zwettl district. The heavy rainfall meant that the sewage system was overloaded - some houses were under water. Within a few minutes of the alarm being raised, the firefighters deployed to the specified locations. By 11 p.m., all pumping, cleaning and securing work had been completed.

Precautions were also taken in the urban area of Krems an der Donau due to the heavy rain, but fortunately there was no flooding. Downstream, all access points to the Krems River were closed by the authorities and the bridges were regularly checked for accumulated floating debris and construction site material. The situation eased around 10 pm.

Storms in Styria
It was not only in Lower Austria that the storm kept the emergency services on their toes. In Styria, more than 1000 forces had to be deployed to a total of 261 operations on Tuesday. The areas of Pischelsdorf, Anger and Mürzzuschlag were hit the hardest.

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